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flight formation 1.飛行編隊。2.空軍小隊。

flight indicator

These maneuverable , computer - guided craft tear through enemy flight formations and relentlessly strafe slower ground targets with potent plasma charges 這些高機動性,電腦控制的小飛機,撕裂敵軍的飛行編隊,強大的等離子電荷無情的掃射地面目標,使其行動緩慢。

The simulation result indicates that the controller is robust and can keep the optimal flight formation 通過仿真驗證,表明此控制器能較好地穩定優化后的編隊飛行結構,并具有良好的魯棒性。

A flight formation or arrangement of craft in this manner 梯形飛行隊以此方式編排的飛行隊形